If the BHL website is down, please monitor our status on Twitter https://twitter.com/biodivlibrary or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BioDivLibrary/. If BHL is down, you can access content from our partners in the biodiversity collection via Internet Archive.
If the BHL website is available but page images for books are not showing then this means that the Internet Archive’s website at http://archive.org is down. We partner with the Internet Archive to digitize and host our entire collection and as such their outages directly affect the availability of our materials. We will provide updates on our homepage and via our social media outlets as described above.
If you are experiencing website difficulties for whatever reason, please try http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ to test your connection and if the problem persists, submit your question or problem to our feedback form or (if the form is unavailable due to website outages) email us at feedback@biodiversitylibrary.org describing your issue in as much detail as possible. The more information we have to try and replicate the problem, the better chance we’ll have at being able to address it.
Tags: troubleshooting, technical issues, website problem, feedback, technical support