How can I view the taxonomic data sources for names found on a BHL page?

For each of the scientific names found on a page in BHL, you can access a variety of taxonomic data sources by clicking on the DNA icon next to each name.

Digital book viewer interface with a page data module and scientific names on this page module. The DNA icon next to the scientific names module is circled.

A pop-up window will appear displaying a list of data sources in which that name is indexed. The dropdown menu for the name displays all the variations by which that name is indexed in each of the listed data sources. Selecting one of those variations will display the source(s) in which that variation appears.

A digital book viewer interface with a popup box listing taxonomic database sources for the name Cactaceae.

Clicking on any source will take you to the entry for that name in that data source on the web.

A digital book viewer with a popup box for scientific names displayed. The box is for the name Cactaceae, and the GBIF data source is circled. An arrow points from the GBIF data source to the GBIF interface for the name Cactaceae.

These data sources are populated from the Global Names Verifier which draws from many taxonomic name databases from around the internet. The names themselves are indexed as part of BHL’s implementation of gnfinder, a taxonomic intelligence tool developed by the Global Names Architecture which is used to locate, verify, and record scientific names within the text of each digitized page in BHL. The text used for this identification is usually uncorrected OCR, so may not include all results expected or visible in the page (see more information on this in our FAQ).

If you have questions about or would like to report an issue related to the data sources in the Global Names Verifier, please contact the Global Names Architecture on github.

Learn more about BHL’s implementation of gnfinder for taxonomic name recognition.

Tags: taxonomy, taxa, taxon, taxonomic name finding, taxonomic data sources