What is the current operating status of BHL?

The BHL website is currently available, but page images are not loading.

Why aren’t page images loading in BHL?

BHL serves its page images directly from the Internet Archive, our digitization partner. Outages affecting archive.org directly affect the availability of BHL materials.

What happened to archive.org?

Starting on October 8, archive.org and the Internet Archive experienced a significant cyber attack, resulting in a systems outage, defacement of the website, and in a separate incident, a breach of user data. For security reasons, the Internet Archive chose to take its sites and services offline to focus on securing, prioritizing, and preparing systems to be restored incrementally.

Can I still use BHL while archive.org is offline?

Many BHL services remain available even though page images are not loading.

You can:

Can I view BHL items on other platforms?

BHL is a global consortium housing contributions from partners around the world. Our partners have contributed their content to a number of platforms. You can find portions of BHL’s collection in these other repositories:

When will BHL services be fully restored?

At this time, we do not have a date for full restoration of services from the Internet Archive. When archive.org is securely back online, the BHL Tech Team will work to implement any necessary changes to fully restore BHL page images.

Where can I get the latest updates?

For the latest status updates on BHL services, follow @biodivlibrary.

For the latest status updates on Internet Archive services, follow their official accounts on Twitter/X, Bluesky or Mastodon.